Extended Work Hours to Begin Monday, March 11

March 3, 2024 - The public is advised that beginning March 11 through April 7, the Jim Miller Pump Station construction crews will begin working extended hours from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m., two hours later than regular operating hours. Extended work hours are needed to allow for necessary valve replacements near the north side of the construction site during a shutdown period of the pump station. DWU customers will not experience any interruption to their water services related to these construction activities.

During this time, residents may notice regular construction noise, back-up alarms from vehicles and lights at the construction site if work goes past sunset. No road closures are expected at this time, but residents may occasionally see flagging personnel near Showbend Lane escorting crew vehicles to the construction site.

Stay up to date on the latest Jim Miller Pump Station improvements and activities by regularly visiting our project website or following our social media platforms.

We appreciate your cooperation and patience as construction work continues on the Jim Miller Pump Station improvements.  If you have any questions or concerns, please use the contact form on this website or call 469-249-9359.

Previous Project Updates


Jim Miller Pump Station Summer Project Update, May 28


Lane closures to Jim Miller Road to begin Jan. 25 and continue through Feb. 2024